Sunday, November 27, 2011

WOW, can you say bored!

Were back home again, with a new little person in the family :)
Danica is absolutely adorable, I just love her so much. I can hold her for hours and just stare at her, she is perfect. Dan is back to work, and Bryanna is back to school, and now it's mainly Dani and I at home.
I am already going nuts, Danica sleeps a lot and I have nothing to do, I don't really have anyone to hang out with.
I was working a lot before and never had time to slow down and visit with many people.

I am going to fast forward a little so I can get closer to today's date, sure makes it easier for blogging, I have a horrible memory and I have probably left out so many things along our adventure here in Williston. The last 8 months have been exciting having a baby and watching her grow :)

We went on vacation this last June 2010, first we flew to AZ and visited my Dad again for a few days.

Then went to my Mom's, they were so happy to meet another grand baby :)

<~Mom kissing Dani

 Aunt Meri and Uncle Danny

 <~This spider was in my Bedroom, yes it was HUGE! YUCK
That's Dani, Me, Bryanna, Sis Bridget, and Mom, we went to Tombstone AZ

  Awe Mom putting Dani to sleep

Then we flew to NV to spend time with Dans Mom, we made plans for everyone to meet us at the casino for dinner, and Dani got passed around from Brother to Sister all night :)
We're home again, it was refreshing seeing family, it really sucks not being around them all the time, we don't get to have holidays with them, and the kids don't get to grow up around them and their cousins. 

I am getting really tired of how people here treat us, people aren't as friendly as they used to be, the place is really going crazy with construction and traffic, the influx is out of control. 
I am bored out of my mind, there is nothing for Danica and I to do during the days, no gym with day care, nowhere to go hang out, just locked up inside all the time, and it has really got me depressed. I miss my husband all the time, and I think he is missing out on so much of Dani's life, and growing stages..

I love my life, I love how blessed we are, and how we don't need for a lot, but I feel like I'm watching life pass by from my window, and all the money in the world can't buy my kids family, and the feeling of having that kind of support system, I need interaction with someone other then my kids, and I need to find a gym so I can work out, Im getting fatter every day :*( and there is no one to watch Danica, no day care available here :(
Dan's married to Halliburton, and misses out on so much... Life truly is Bitter/Sweet....
Our friend's Christina & Jake moved to a place we have been giving serious thought too, Pennsylvania.
They seem to like it and Christina has been communicating with me about it a lot. I think I want to go, I'm sorta freaked out about it, I don't like the idea of moving my Daughter Bryanna again, shes in Jr High and it can be hard for kids to adjust, but I don't think Williston has much to offer her anymore, it's gotten pretty bad here..
Do we stay or do we go? Hmmmmmm.........................

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