Monday, December 5, 2011

Moving to Pennsylvania!

Today our family sat down and talked about the pros and cons of moving to PA, Bryanna is all for it, Dan is excited about it too, and I am a little freaked out cause I know what the outcome of this is going to be.
Dan talked to the bosses in PA, they have arranged for him and I to fly out for a few days and look for a house to rent, So Bryanna is going to stay at her best friends Esther's because she has school, and Dan Danica and I are going to fly out for a few days.
The flight wasn't terrible, I was kind of surprised Dani did so well, she is only 10 months old and didnt cry at all.
WOW, this place is alien, the houses are all very ancient looking, I guess the correct term would be victorian, and there are a lot of Churches and they are wayyy cool looking with the gargoyles and pointy roof tops.
We have been looking for a place to rent and have had no luck, I have one more house to go see in Montoursville, the lady is going to meet us before we head to the airport to go home.
The house is beautiful, it is set back off the road in the woods, it's almost creepy, it is surrounded by tall bare trees, we signed the papers, and have a place to move to at the end of the month..

We flew back home and Dan went back to work right away, still working 200+ hours a pay period, and I have been trying to wrap up lose ends, figure out what school Bryanna will be going to, and get shot records etc. I was told not to pack ANYTHING, lol.
I guess we are having professional movers come in and pack us and then move us, that is a weird feeling, it's kinda like a violation of privacy haha.

The day has come and the movers are here and my house is crazy, Bryanna is happy but there were tears when she had to say goodbye to Esther, even I cried, Esther is a sweet young lady, kind of like my lil adopted child, she will be missed, but she can fly out and see us anytime!
Esther and Bryanna <3

Wow PA is very different then anywhere I have ever lived, the people here are in a hurry lol, they even have signs on the roads that say DO NOT TAIL GATE... I havn't met anyone yet who's interested in having a conversation, or just a simple Hi, or Goodmorning, or just a smile, people are stand offish, and they are not welcoming of the gas workers either, OH did I forget to mention it is not oil out here it is Natural Gas, the Marcelles Shale, not sure if I spelled that right lol.

I love the landscape here, and the Susquehanna River is really pretty too, lot's of pretty neat places to go. It's really wet here though and I am NOT diggin the humidity, and it gets pretty hot too so the 2 aren't mixing well...
I am SOOOOO happy to be living a half mile from a big Mall, and Target, and pretty much anything I want or need... :)
Christina and I met up at the YMCA and bought a membership for our families, they have great equipment and classes, oh and get this they have DAYCARE! 

We have been taking trips to the surrounding areas, so far we have visited NY City WOW totally cool, we went to VA Beach, and then to central VA to see my Brother Chance and his family, and we went to Washington DC to see the White House and some Monuments, we also we to Niagra Falls very Beautiful..
This is on top of the Empire States Building
                      Dani and I VA Beach                        Oh did I mention I went to a Ke$ha Concert LOL
Things were pretty good for a while, but Bryanna has been having some feelings about missing her friends in Williston, she is getting really bad, and it's scaring me. She's starting to make threats and has become a recluse, she's also freaking out from all the spiders and bugs we have living out here in the woods, we even have a bear that likes to eat out of our trash... I feel really bad for moving now, I new in the back of my mind that we should just stay put till she graduates.. UHG

Well, 7 months into our PA adventure and things aren't getting better for Bryanna, I'm not sure what to do other then move back to Williston. :(

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