Thursday, November 17, 2011


Well, were back from a nice vacation and getting back into the swing of things...
Things are pretty hectic at work for me, now that I have been out of the office for a week things are backed up a little. That's the price we pay when taking vacation though :|
Dan is also back at work, I hope he had a relaxing time he deserves it, he works way too many hours.
Sometimes I wonder if it's all worth it, seems like I never get to see him anymore, I feel so detached.
The more money we make the more money we spend, it's an ugly cycle we REALLY need to break, and it's not even like we have a lot to show for it, I think it's more a matter of wanting to have nicer things, we couldn't have before, like a nicer couch, or TV, and a new bed or new towels..

Today I am feeling really sick, I have been getting a little dizzy here and there, and emotional lol I have a familiar feeling and if I'm correct about this WOW do we have a BIG surprise in store for us!  I made a trip to the store and bought a pregnancy test, the kind that have 2 in the box. I waited till the next morning to do the test and,  OMG IM PREGNANT!! I took the other test and tried it again just to make sure the first one was right, and OMG IM PREGNANT!! WHAT?! ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! HOW DID THIS HAPPEN?! Okay so I know how it happened HAHA, but it's almost impossible for me to have gotten pregnant, I mean not only am I on birth control, but I don't ovulate most the time due to poly cystic ovaries, this is definitely Gods doing, and so I am going to say it's a blessing from my Father above.. 
The pic I sent Dan telling him I was pregnant,
 I'd say this is the only time I felt as if I were glowing! LOL

Dan is pretty excited, and as the days go by I'm getting more excited too.
During the first trimester we almost lost the baby, I had to be careful and take medicine.
I didn't have much sickness, just like with my first baby I got sick for a week and then it was all over.
But with the stress of work and the hours I was putting in I have to say I have never felt so worn down and tired. I have been having a lot of fun shopping on line for baby stuff hehe, this is something I never got to do with my first child, I had to use hand me downs, this time I get to pic colors and designs, so much fun hehe.
Half way there!

The second trimester came pretty fast, I am feeling more energized and I don't have to tinkle every 15 minutes :) YAY I can sleep through the night again, well most the time, I still get called out a lot for work, and it's cold again, snow is just around the corner, I learned my lesson last year with finding a snow removal guy and keeping the heating and plumbing guys #'s close by. I put in my resignation which will happen 4 weeks before my scheduled due date, that way they have plenty of time to find someone to replace me, and I will have 4 weeks of nesting, making sure things are ready for the baby. :)
Getting closer

Third trimester holy COW, cow is what I am feeling like, I am so tired, out of breath, I hate climbing stairs which I do a lot when it comes to going out to the properties for showings or whatever need be.
my hands are swollen, my face is fat, my belly is round, I work constantly, and then come home to work there too, I still have a family I have to take care of, Dan works so many hours that I have to be the one to cook, clean, pay bills, and stay involved with my teenager and all her activities. I finally decided to put together all of the babies furniture, Dan is just always working and when he's not he is sleeping, so I figured I had better get it done..
They still have not found a replacement and time is getting closer, they better hurry..
I have been in to see the Dr.s a lot lately, they are watching me closely due to high blood pressure, and they take blood every week to make sure I'm okay. I failed all my glucose tests, and so they have me poking my finger too, I was diagnosed gestational Diabetic. :(
Today I was sitting in the living room watching tv with my teen and my husband, and a commercial came on it was the (ASPCA) and they were singing a super sad song as they showed several animals who've been abused and OMG I LOST IT, I was SOBBING, my daughter and my husband were looking at me and laughing! I can not believe how emotional I get now, especially when THAT commercial comes on, I have to leave the room....

I resemble a Cow

Well, I have been placed on bed rest because I keep going into labor, I have 5 weeks left, and they have had to stop labor twice now.
Work has not found anyone to replace me, I have told them I need to be on bed rest, and I am told it would be okay to work from home, I really don't want to let them down, if I was to quit now they would be in a lot of trouble, there is no one to take care of all these properties here, and all the tenants wouldn't have anyone to take care of them.
My resignation date has come and gone, and I have not been on bed rest like I'm supposed to be, I still have to run around showing apartments, signing leases, evicting people, making sure contractors are getting things done, collecting rents, and running a LOT of errands. How in the world can I work from home??? They realllly need to find someone to replace me, LIKE NOW!
I am back in the hospital they are trying to get labor to stop again, I'm 2 weeks away from delivery date which by the way is a scheduled C-section.
I told my boss I am done, so she is coming down herself to take care of things, I love this woman (Karen) she has been a great Friend and co worker, I hate to leave the company but I really need to be home with my babies. I feel guilty, like I'm walking out on them, I feel super bad I couldn't stay and help.

Its 3 days before my due date and I am in labor again, this time they said if it doesn't stop then I will be delivering in the morning, OMG will Dan be able to make it home?! Sometimes I really hate that he is always gone, I miss him, and need him right now. This is definitely a Bitter Sweet life, the life of an Oilfield Wife!
He made it with a couple hours to spare, he sat there half asleep from working 18 hours and I wish he wasn't so tired, I am in HORRIBLE pain :\
I wanted to KILL him!

It's time to go, I'm so scared, did I forget to tell you the reason I never had another child was because my heart stopped twice after giving birth to my first daughter (by c-section) they over dosed me on morphine, and my body pretty much relaxed to the point it didn't work anymore.
I keep thinking, I don't want to die, I don't want to die.. Please God don't take me yet!

Dan came in after they prepared me and had me on the table, a little background on Dan, needles and blood he doesn't do too well. So as this is happening he took a peak around the curtain and his face goes white, I see sweat bead on his face immediately and he looks as though he is about to pass out, but he is a trooper and made it through...

It's a GIRL :) OMG OMG OMG She is SOOOO Beautiful, SO Perfect, 8lbs 11oz. HELLO beautiful baby girl, I love you, omg she's so pretty Dan thank you.

I am so blessed, I have a wonderful husband who works so hard for us, and I have 2 Beautiful Daughters! <3

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