Sunday, November 6, 2011


We are all settled into our new apartment now, and I have gone from being a resident manager to an assistant manager for the property management company we rent from. There are 13 multi dwelling apartment buildings spread all over Williston, I have to say the last people to manage for the company have really messed things up, and I don't mean just a little, nothing is organized, everything is messed up from rents, vacant apartments, to contractors. This is going to take a lot of hard work and lots of hours getting this mess straightened out!
My supervisor is Teke, and to tell the truth she was thrown in to all this like I was, she had a lot of great ideas but maybe a little out in left field, and after about 8 months she dropped the ball and left the company.
I was offered her position as the manager and I took it, talk about a heavy load, we have really had a lot of progress making things right, although we still had a ways to go, and when Teke left she didn't leave me the information I needed to continue smoothly, such as appointments I didn't know she had, renewals, and move outs I had no idea about, what a mess!
I had to start all over, and with out any help from an assistant, we couldn't find anyone to take my position.
so for the next year I ran this place alone. The main office was located several hours away and everything was communicated through email, or telephone, not another soul was in Williston who worked for this company except Dale, he was the maintenance guy, and boy did he have his hands full.. I would get calls in the middle of the night for flooding apartments, no heat, disturbances, and all kinds of other things, I was putting in about 12-14 hours a day, BUT I was finally getting things organized, and running smooth.

This winter has been a crazy one, definitely nothing I have ever experienced. Bryanna is about 1 block from school a straight shot up the street, we see the school from our window and she wasn't able to walk due to blowing wind and snow.
Temperatures plunged to more then 30 below zero over North Dakota with wind chill factors of more then 60 below, and get this they didn't cancel school LOL, we have about 3-5 ft of snow with snow drifts that reach the top of two story buildings.

I can remember walking from the garage which was quite a ways away from the entrance of the apartment building, and the wind was blowing hard, Bryanna and I were carrying in groceries, Bryanna wasn't happy about something and had been crying a little, by the time I got to the door and held it for her she was not behind me, so I back tracked and found her huddled by the garage door, her tears had frozen and caused a eye to stick shut and she freaked out. This place is like living in Antarctica!

Dan is still working his butt off, I never hear a complaint, he works a 14 day shift then gets 7 days off, but the man still works some of his days off, I think 230 hours in 14 days is an average, I could never do it, he is amazing, he also continues to move his way up at work and is a supervisor on the crew. :)

Bryanna is doing well, she is still getting A's and B's in school, staying active in band, sports, and she has found a ice skating rink at the rec center which is where all the kids hang out in the winter, seeing how there is really no where else for them to go and they can't hang outdoors.

I still like Williston, even though the weather is craazy and it's kinda in the middle of no where lol, I feel like we are a part of something pretty amazing, a major Oil Boom in North Dakota during what I call a depression of our time.
This is me at work late almost dark out and ready to throw my hands up in the air, and say I quit! 
But I don't :)
I do look forward to Spring, this cold weather hurts, plus I can't wait to go visit my family back in Arizona <3

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