Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I am sooo excited to go see some family, first I had to take my daughter Bryanna to the airport where she was going to fly out to Carson City NV to see her Daddy for the summer, wow that was hard to do, I mean I was away from her for about 3 weeks last summer, but this will be the longest I have ever been away from her.

There she goes!

The next day Dan and I were packed and ready to fly out to Phoenix Arizona, Have you ever been in AZ in June? hehe I love it but I could never live in it again, I say again because I was born in Mesa AZ and I lived in AZ for many years, I really do like my seasons, and Arizona only has Hot, Warm, and poisonous bugs! LOL
Touch down in Phoenix now we are waiting for my Daddy to come and pick us up, I can't wait to see him, it's been about 5 years since we last seen each other and that was just for a couple days..
My Dad is a great guy, he has accomplished many things in his life, he is also the BEST BASS fisherman in world, I sure miss fishing with him hehe.. 
Last Christmas he had a stroke, thank god it was a small one and he wasn't debilitated from it, but it was a serious wake up call, he has smoked all his life and also suffers from emphysema. Dad is now smoke free :)  He has worked hard all his life but was also recently forced into retirement, he is disabled due to arthritis and he has a hard time walking a lot because of his lower back, the disks are pinching his sciatic nerves, so he likes to spend his time playing with his gadgets/electronics and computer games :)
While we stayed with Dad, we took him down to the barber LOL his hair was really long in back and he had the worse comb over.... Well, we went to a Barber on the corner and when we walked in it was a little akward lol, it was a barber shop for the african american, BUT they decided to cut his hair, and it came out nice and clean.
We had a nice visit with Dad, we went to Taco Bell which we don't have back home, but mostly we kicked back with Dad and Leandra <~~his long time girlfriend :) I got to see my Sister Cynthia too and her kids Devon, Jessie and Trinity, we took every one to the Olive Garden which we don't have back home either LOL surprise surprise, we really enjoyed the relaxing non stressful week.
My Daddy Fishing!

This is my Daddy and Leandra <3
This is my Sister Cindy :)

Next stop is Sierra Vista Arizona, to go see my Mommy <3
It's not that far of a drive, just a few hours if I remember correctly, and a lot of cactus in between haha.
My Mom is also a really cool Mom, she is not only Beautiful, but I can talk to her about pretty much anything in life, good, bad, and kinky. LOL JK, no really I'm not. ;)
She also happeneds to be the BEST cook in the world, Dan loooooves it when she makes him her sweep the floor omelettes, MMMmm me too. hehe
This is my Sister Bridget and I kissing her only I decided
 to lick her face like she used to do when I was a little girl hahaha!
This is my Sister Bridget, this chair is actually normal size she is the incredible tiny woman! LOL
JK, but ya she is my Big LITTLE Sister if that makes sense :)

We had a lot of great food at Moms house, my sister Bridget and her kids came, and my Aunt Meri and Uncle Danny came over to BBQ with us too, she lives next door, also if I remember correctly I got to see my cousins Robbie and Virginia and their kids too, OH did I mention a baby scorpion was ready to crawl on my foot while we were all on the back porch BBQing, YUCK!!! Gary is my Moms husband he is also a really neat guy, really different then most, which is how I like them, I mean just look at my guy Dan hehe. 
Gary has Parkinson's Disease and has had to slow down a little, when I last seen him he was riding his motorcycles and out in the shop playing with his machines and this time he was really shaky, and took small steps, makes me worry about him, I hope they can find something to help him get around easier.
I never want to go home, I want to move back in with Mom and have her cook for me everyday :) who cares if I get as big as a house, no one will see me were in the middle of no where and practically in Mexico, no literally we are just a couple miles to the border. 
But I guess all things must come to an end, I really am not looking forward to going back home, in fact it is really depressing me, and as I wave goodbye to my Mom from the car I lose it, and start to cry... :(
Dan said we could come back next year, so I guess I have that to look forward too :)

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