Thursday, November 10, 2011


Winter sure likes to hang around for a while here, we had so much snow this year that we are having major flooding issues with the garages and parking lots, and it has been hell trying to find someone to do snow removal this winter, at times I've had several tenants calling me telling me they are blocked in and can't go to work LOL. Wasn't funny then but now that I look back on it winters here are CRAZY!

I put an add in the paper today, seeking a house to rent.
Treading the parking lot to the entrance, then up 3 flights of stairs, and then all the way to the other side of the building with groceries is reallllly hard to do, plus I just really like my own space, it's hard living in a box, on top of a box, next to another box LOL..
Anyway, a few days after I ran the ad I had a woman call me and tell me she had a house available, so we went to see it, it wasn't an awesome house but it was cozy, and it had a 2 car garage with a cute yard, and can you believe it was $400. less then what we were paying for the apartment :) so we signed a lease and moved in..
Chrissy was ecstatic, she finally had a yard to run around in, the back yard was fenced in and she would just run and run and run like the energizer bunny...
I realized with the warmer weather just how much work the yard was going to be, I had to mow like once a week and even that seemed to be too far in between. It rains like almost every day lately and we now have a new problem, my basement keeps flooding out, we have sump pumps down there but I guess they just can't keep up, I was told the water table is high, so all this means to me is stinky basement! UGH
Oh and with all the rain and warmth comes an abundance of Mosquito's, okay so I thought when we first got here that they were a pain but I thought it was just that year and they would die off and never come back, OMG was I wrong, I can't even breath with out having a few of them plug my nostrils, it's awful! I hate this place!!!
Okay so I don't totally hate this place, but it has been weighing on me a little, the once very nice people have kinda changed a bit, with all the new oilfield workers coming in, it has upset a lot of the locals, I can understand why to a certain extent, I mean we come in and the demand for housing starts, causing housing prices to sky rocket, there isn't enough housing so the price gouging is ridiculous! The cost of everything has gone up, it's causing  many people to have to leave their homes because they can't afford to be here any more. Also the crime has gone up a little, you hear about bad things in the newspaper more often, it happens with an influx like ours, but the locals are not having it, so the families "us" that have moved here to work and survive are unwelcome, stores, restaurants, banks and many more business don't have enough help to keep the doors open, often Mc Donald's will close the lobby early and then the drive through lines are an hr wait, and Walmart what a disaster that is, we have pretty much come in and taken over on their town .. :\

In our defence I have to say, We have not come here to hurt the people in this town or ruin their lives, we and many others in our same situation have lost homes and jobs and its kind of the American thing to do, going out and seeking work and promising futures for our families. I mean look at history, our settlers travelled far for the hopes of land and work, besides it's better to move for work then to sit on your butt crying about how you don't have a job and putting your hand out for government handouts! just sayin.

On another note, we are going to get out of here for a couple weeks and go see my family in AZ, this will be a nice break from the oil field life and some much needed rest for us both. :)

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